Know your rights with law enforcement during covid
Know your rights Covid - NLG (Maintaining Your Rights Amid COVID Restrictions)
CRH: Tracking Policing/Legal Orders During Covid (Policing During COVID)
Report a Stop/Ticket/Arrest/ (Report an Incident to Community Resource Hub)
Responses to Policing During Covid19 (Frequently Asked Questions About Policing)
Ice Raids & Detention during Covid (Know Your Rights During an ICE Raid)
Federal Quarantine Requirements - IABA (Quarantine Requirements for Those Traveling from Abroad)
Police interactions
ACLU (Police Stops Generally)
Law Enforcement Interaction - NLG (Interacting with Police from National Lawyers' Guild)
Law Enforcement - CAIR (Interacting with Law Enforcement from Council on American-Islamic Relations)
Law Enforcement - CunyClear (Interacting with Police from CLEAR)
NLG- Travel Bans/Closed Borders (Navigating Travel Bans)
IR- Tangible Support for Immigrants During Covid (Immigration During COVID)
Deportations and Detentions - SFILEN (Deportations and Detentions Generally and What to Do)
Employee Rights
Corona Virus & Employment (Navigating Employment Rights During the Pandemic)
Employment Rights of Undocumented Workers (Employment Rights Generally for Undocumented Workers from the Legal Aid Network)
Mental Health
Mental Health and Covid19 (Navigating Mental Health Treatment and Resources During COVID)
Recovery Village COVID Guide (Protecting the Mental Health of the Community during COVID)
U.S. Airports & Ports of Entry (Interactions and Rights Upon Entrance to the United States)
Travel - CAIR (Travel Rights Generally)
Flying While Muslim - CunyClear (Specific Travel Information for Targeting Based on Religion)
Muslim Advocates (Video About Rights At Airports While Traveling)
Airport and Border - IABA (Community Advisory About Traveling Safely)
Civic Engagement
ACLU: Voting Rights (Voting Rights and Unlawful Voter Suppression and Intimidation)
Free speech, Protests, & Demonstrations (FAQ's About Right to Protest and Demonstrate)
Protesting - CAIR (Rights While Protesting)
Activitist Tools - Justice4Muslims (Resource Library for Activism)
Wallet Card (Summary Document of Main Rights in Police Interaction and Free Speech)
Student Rights - CAIR (Rights for Students to Openly Practice Their Religion)
Employee Rights - CAIR (Covering Employee Rights to Practice Religion and Employee Discrimination)
Informants - CunyClear (Your Rights In Dealing With Informants or Being Recruited as an Informant)
Charitable Engagement - CunyClear (Protecting Yourself While Engaging in Charitable Giving to Give Safely)
Youth and Self-Defense - Youth Justice Coalition (Youth Guide for Police Interactions and Dos and Donts)