Statement of Resources for the Afghan Community


We, the undersigned attorneys, law students, and advocacy organizations, stand in solidarity with the Afghan people as they fight for an Afghanistan that is free of oppression, violence, and occupation. They face incredible risks to their daily safety, freedoms, and overall lives while calling for justice, self determination, and dignity for their people . As we reflect on the struggles, resistance, and resilience of Afghans this Muharram, we can’t help but remember the struggles of Imam Husayn (as) whose own fight for justice and resistance against the oppressive regime of his time leaves lingering lessons of solidarity nearly 1,400 years later including his words, “Those who are silent when others are oppressed are guilty of oppression themselves.” 

The abrupt transition of power in Afghanistan, following the U.S. troop withdrawal and a swift subsequent takeover by the Taliban, poses life-threatening risks to all Afghans. Those most vulnerable to targeted persecution include Afghans that are the most historically marginalized under Taliban rule, including women and girls, religious and racial/ethnic minorities, human rights defenders and activists, anti-corruption activists from civil society, the LGBTQI+ community, persons with disabilities, and those championing free speech and transparent public discourse.
We are spotlighting the following resources and actions: (1) Visa and asylum options for Afghan Civilians including P1, P2, SIV, USRAP assistance, (2) Legal Assistance for Afghan Civilians Seeking Visas and an Evacuation Plan; (3) Organizations Providing Direct Food, Cash, Clothing Donations and Rides to Afghans in Need; (4) Executive and Legislative Calls to Action with Call Scripts; and (5) Demonstrations, Protests, and Volunteer Opportunities

Visa Options for Afghan Civilians 

Legal Assistance for Afghan Civilians Seeking Visas and an Evacuation Plan

Organizations Providing Direct Food, Cash, and Clothing Donations to Afghans in Need

Executive and Legislative Calls to Action with Call Scripts

Demonstrations, Protests, and Volunteer Opportunities 

  • NYC: Sat. Aug 28th (Bryant Park): Stop Killing Afghans Protest (contact @zakkazmi or


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